How to travel from Rome to Sorrento

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from Rome to Sorrento

How to get from Rome to Sorrento by train, bus or flight.

Our recommendation

The best way to travel from Rome to Sorrento is by taking a bus because it’s the best combination of price and speed.

Roma, Autostazione Tiburtina
07:00PMSorrento , Corso Italia
0 transfers
Roma, Autostazione Tiburtina
07:00PMSorrento , Corso Italia
0 transfers
Rome Leonardo da Vinci Fiumicino Airport (FCO)
10:35PMNaples International Airport (NAP)
0 transfers
Other options
Rome Termini
12:35PMSorrento , Corso Italia
1 transfer
Rome Termini
12:35PMSorrento , Corso Italia
1 transfer
Rome Termini
06:35PMSorrento , Corso Italia
1 transfer
Rome Termini
1 transfer
Rome Termini
1 transfer
Rome Tiburtina
1 transfer
Rome Leonardo da Vinci Fiumicino Airport (FCO)
07:00PMNaples International Airport (NAP)
0 transfers
Rome Leonardo da Vinci Fiumicino Airport (FCO)
02:20PMNaples International Airport (NAP)
0 transfers
Rome Leonardo da Vinci Fiumicino Airport (FCO)
10:35AMNaples International Airport (NAP)
0 transfers

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Travel Information to Sorrento from Rome

distanceDistance131 miles (211 km)
modeAvailable travel modesTrain, bus or flight
priceTicket price range$21 - $17
cheapestCheapest modeBus • $17 (€15) • 3 h 30 min
fastestFastest modeFlight • $81 (€70) • 50 min
carriersPopular travel companiesMarozzi, Alitalia or Italo

Travel 131 miles (211 km) by train, bus or flight between Rome and Sorrento. The most popular travel companies which serve this journey are Marozzi, Alitalia or Italo among others. Travelers can even take a direct bus, ferry, flight or train from Rome to Sorrento.

How to Travel from Rome to Sorrento

Sorrento is the gateway to the beautiful Amalfi Coast, and getting there from Italy's capital is easy. You can catch buses straight to the center of Sorrento from Rome's Tiburtina bus station, take two-legged train journeys via Naples or fly into Naples and catch a bus or train. The fastest connection will take just over 2 hours, but even buses take a little under 4 hours, putting Sorrento within easy reach of all visitors looking to travel in Italy.

Buses from Rome to Sorrento | Trains from Rome to Sorrento | Return trips from Sorrento to Rome

Rome to Sorrento Travel Comparison

Average Price

Travel Time

Cheapest Time to Book



4:00 h

1 Day Ahead



2:00 h

1 Day Ahead

What is the best way to travel from Rome to Sorrento?

Cheapest way to travel from Rome to Sorrento

Taking the bus is the cheapest way to travel from Rome to Sorrento with next-day bus tickets starting from €19. Buses traveling from Rome to Sorrento depart from Rome's Tiburtina bus station and take approximately 4 hours to arrive at Sorrento's Corso Italia bus station. There is 1 bus, operated by Marozzi, traveling from Rome to Sorrento every day. Rideshares like BlaBlaCar are another cheap alternative for traveling from Rome to Sorrento.

Fastest way to travel from Rome to Sorrento

The fastest way to travel from Rome to Sorrento is by taking the train. Trains traveling from Rome to Sorrento depart from either Roma Termini or Tiburtina train station and take at least 2 hours to arrive in Sorrento. All trains traveling from Rome to Sorrento will involve a transfer in Naples or Salerno before arriving in Sorrento. Over 30 trains travel from Rome to Sorrento every day. Train companies that travel from Rome to Sorrento include Italo and Trenitalia.

Most popular way to travel from Rome to Sorrento

Taking the train is the most popular way to travel from Rome to Sorrento. While taking the bus may be a cheaper way to travel from Rome to Sorrento, the fact that there is only 1 bus per day makes taking the train the most popular option. Traveling from Rome to sorrento by train is also 2 hours faster than traveling by bus on average.

How to get from Rome to Sorrento

The Best Way According to our Users

If you want to travel from Rome to Sorrento there are several options available to you. For this route, however, 84,29% of our customers choose the bus as their preferred method of transportation. Nowadays, traveling by bus is a relaxing and entertaining experience. Most bus companies offer different on-board services; ranging from "welcome drinks" to free wi-fi or personal entertainment. For this reason, the bus is often chosen as the best way to get from Rome to Sorrento. Bus companies normally offer comfortable journeys for reasonable prices, and if you choose to travel on a night bus you can even save the money of one night in a hotel. For that reason, the bus is most likely the cheapest way to get to your destination.

Search on Omio to find cheap tickets from Rome to Sorrento. It’s easy to find the most attractive prices and choose your preferred route for your journey. Book on web or app, and travel with your mobile ticket —without the stress of printing your ticket.

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Deutsche Bahn

All travel companies: Airlines, Train and Bus from Rome to Sorrento

You can travel by train, bus or flight for as low as $9 (€8). When you search for schedules and tickets, Omio will show you the best trip.

Step on board a Frecciarossa travel and relax as you travel across Italy. Trenitalia’s Frecciarossa high-speed travel make about 200 connections across Italy per day and are renowned for their comfort, speed and reduced environmental impact. Frecciarossa travel reach speeds up to 186 mph (300 kmh), so you can travel 131 miles (211 km) quickly to Sorrento from Rome. When booking your Frecciarossa travel from Rome to Sorrento, you can choose between four different classes: Standard, Premium, Business, and Executive. While each class offers different levels of comfort, all Frecciarossa classes provide free WiFi access, power outlets, air conditioning, bathrooms, luggage storage, onboard entertainment, and restaurant and bar services to passengers.

Prices for the Rome to Sorrento travel start as low as $92 (€79) one-way on Omio. Simply check the latest Trenitalia Frecciarossa travel schedule for your ideal departure and arrival times, choose between the Super Economy, Economy, and Base fares, and book your cheap travel between Rome and Sorrento on Omio today!

Rome to Sorrento travel information with Frecciarossa:

  • Average Duration: 2 h 24 min
  • Cheapest Price: $92
  • Frecciarossa frequency: 14 a day

Trenitalia is not only Italy's national railroad company but also the country's largest travel operator with an impressive fleet of travel offering different levels of comfort, amenities and speed at which they travel. The company's flagship travel are the high-speed Frecciarossa, Frecciargento and Frecciabianca. Trenitalia also operates intercity, regional and night travel. Bathrooms and WiFi access are standard on long-distance travel routes. In most cases, the travel also provide barrier-free access.

Find the perfect travel to cover the 131 miles (211 km) long journey from Rome to Sorrento with Trenitalia. Trenitalia offers different fares like the Base, Economy, Super Economy and Ordinaria tickets. You can even use Trenitalia discount cards on Omio. Make sure to look out for the latest offers from Trenitalia on Omio to score special deals! Check out the current Trenitalia schedule and book a cheap travel from Rome to Sorrento in just a few steps. On Omio you can find all the information you need for the Rome to Sorrento trip, such as departure and arrival times, travel stations, number of stops, journey times and more.

FAQs: Travel from Rome to Sorrento

FAQs: Travel to Sorrento easily. Whether you want fast, cheap or something entirely different, our travel experts have collected everything you need to know so you can find the best option from Rome to Sorrento.

There are 3 travel options from Rome to Sorrento: train, bus or flight.

The cheapest way to go to Sorrento from Rome is by taking a bus, which costs on average $17 (€15).

This is compared to other ways of getting from Rome to Sorrento:

Taking a bus costs () less than taking a ferry, which costs on average () for the same trip.

A bus is $64 (€55) less than a flight with an average ticket price of $81 (€70) from Rome to Sorrento.

A bus is $3 (€3) less than a train for this trip with tickets for a train from Rome to Sorrento costing on average $21 (€18).

The quickest way to travel from Rome to Sorrento is by flight, which takes on average 50 min   compared to other travel options that take longer:

Bus takes on average 3 h 30 min.

Train takes on average 1 h 12 min.

The distance is approximately 131 miles (211 km) from Rome to Sorrento.

The average frequency per day from Rome to Sorrento is:

  • Around 3 buses per day.
  • 16 trains per day.

However, we recommend checking specific travel dates for your route from Rome to Sorrento as scheduled services by train, bus or flight can vary by season or day of the week.

These are the most popular departure and arrival points from Rome to Sorrento:

  • Buses mostly depart from Rome, Termini and arrive in Sorrento, Corso Italia / Piazza Angelina Lauro.
  • Trains mostly depart from Rome Termini and arrive in Sorrento.

The following travel companies offer services from Rome to Sorrento:

  • Marozzi, FlixBus, Trenitalia, BlaBlaCar, Infobus, Enjoy Traveling s. A. S. Sorrento or TTI Leonettibus can take you to Sorrento by bus. If searching for a good deal on buses, you can find tickets for FlixBus from Rome to Sorrento for $17 (€15).
  • Alitalia or Alitalia (2) can take you to Sorrento by plane. If searching for a good deal on flights, you can find tickets for Alitalia from Rome to Sorrento for $81 (€70).
  • Italo, Frecciarossa, Regionale, Intercity, Campania Express, European Sleeper or Intercity Notte can take you to Sorrento by train. If searching for a good deal on trains, you can find tickets for Intercity from Rome to Sorrento for $13 (€11).

Yes, there are direct services available from Rome to Sorrento with the following travel companies:

  • Direct buses with Marozzi or FlixBus with 2 direct buses per day.

Direct services tend to save you time and add more convenience in getting you to Sorrento as you won't need to transfer at another stop in between, so it's worth paying attention to before booking your tickets between Rome and Sorrento.

Many of our customers who book a trip from Rome to Sorrento often extend their vacation and travel to other popular destinations like Naples, Positano, Capri or Amalfi. If you’re thinking of adding another destination to your Rome and Sorrento itinerary, let Omio find you the best connections between Sorrento and any of these top destinations today!
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